Thursday, July 21, 2005

Color..........its what that makes web what it is

How many of us really spend time on how a page or website looks, we(take me as a very good example) just go search for some nice looking page, use it as a template, make some changes and our website is ready.

Later when the client asks for some change, say the color setting for a particular information on the page, we touch a small part of the page and the whole thing comes crashing down. The whole thing looks a mess. Lots of clashing, contrasting patterns of color. It looks more like a child painting.

I was just browsing when i came across these series of articles or posting in devx
( about colors and their importance. I knew some of the basics that this article talks about, but seriously i did not put much though into the design of my pages, these articles were a big help.

Now i spend more time on the color that i use on my pages. I think about the need for a particular page/site and with these requirements in mind and other factors, i am able to get a more integrated look and feel for my pages/sites

Hope others like me learn from these kind of nice, but basic articles...




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